Empower Your Day: Rising Above Negativity and Embracing Positivity
We've all experienced those mornings when we wake up feeling energized and ready to conquer the day. The music is playing, we're smiling, and everything seems perfect until we encounter that one person who manages to get under our skin. Whether it's a boss, a stranger, a significant other, a friend, or even a child, their negative words or complaints can quickly turn our bright day into a gloomy one.
Thriving Through Daily Priorities and Overcoming Negativity
As we navigate through the initial weeks of the year, some may already be wavering in their pursuit of annual goals, while others are just embarking on their journey. It often requires considerable mental fortitude to push through challenges and initiate progress.
Harnessing the Power of Positive Words to Navigate Life's Challenges
Life often presents challenges that can feel overwhelming, lasting not just a day or two but seemingly an entire year for some. Have you ever wondered how certain individuals exude confidence, always sporting a radiant smile and possessing the uncanny ability to say the right things at the right time? It might seem too good to be true, but the key lies in understanding the impact of words on our well-being.
Unleashing the Power Within: Overcoming the Impact of Negative Words
Have you ever noticed how we radiate confidence at home but shrink in professional or social settings? The impact of negative words can be profound, making us doubt our worth. Reflecting on 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,' we realize the energy spent ignoring naysayers can be draining.
Embracing 2024: A Year of Self-Love and Manifestation
The Power of Words and Manifestations.
You are the words you tell yourself. Set your words for 2024 and display them where you can see. Envision embodying them daily, and let them guide your thoughts and interactions. Reflect on your chosen words weekly, manifesting positive intentions. This year promises a journey of self-love and care for all. Stay positive, embrace your true self, and let love be your guiding light.
Navigating the Holiday Seas: A Guide to Self-Care Amidst the Frenzy
Amidst this whirlwind, our own needs tend to take a backseat, making it crucial to prioritize self-care during this time of the year.
Breaking the Silence: Women, Anxiety, and the Global Perspective
Explore the journey through anxiety in the lives of women, as societal expectations clash with our nurturing nature.
Balancing Bliss: Juggling the Pursuit of Joy in Life
Self-care isn’t just about pampering ourselves; it’s about digging deep into our everyday feelings and understanding how to navigate through the ups and downs. Self-care is a sense of confidence, drive, motivation, and overall happiness. It’s waking up in the morning feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle the day ahead with a smile on our face.
Microplastics From Our Wardrobes: What You Can Do About It
Somewhere along the line, clothes became plastic. In fact, my wardrobe is full of them and chances are, yours is too.
7 Big Lessons We Learned While Starting A Sustainable Fashion Brand
I met Ashley and Maria, the creative power-duo behind LYV-ON almost a year ago. Back then, LYV-ON was already a small but growing online community with clear values, attitudes, and style.
9 Sustainable Fashion Activists You Should Follow on Instagram
Start looking for those that inspire you to learn further. Many people share their sustainable tips, ideas, or insights that can help you on your own journey.
Self-Care Unleashed: Discovering Your Best Self
As women, our nature is to give and nurture those around us, but we often forget to do the same for ourselves. For some it’s the feeling of guilt, not feeling there’s enough time, and/or no self-awareness until it’s too late.
I AM: Harnessing the Power of Positive Affirmations for a Fulfilling Life
It’s so easy to compliment other women and lift our friends up when they’re feeling down, but when it comes to ourselves, we can be our harshest critic.
Embracing Bliss: A Journey into the Art of Self-Care
For me self-care is a balancing act, and when I say balancing, I don’t mean everything is evenly split 50/50 – it’s a balancing act of everything that’s important to me in that moment of time and that brings me joy from within.
Being Mindful of Waste in Skincare
There are many brands avoiding waste and working hard to make the change while producing amazing products that truly work!
The Fountain Of Youth Is Right In Your Champagne Flute
We are all chasing our best skin, wanting to stop the aging process and just overall trying to find the fountain of youth. What if I told you it literally can be found in your next glass of CHAMPS!!!
Getting Real about Body Positivity
We caught up with Claire Weiss, blogger, editor at The Curvy Magazine, and jewelry designer, to discuss how important this topic is to her.
What is Self-Love?
We caught up with Fayola Benjamin, lawyer and mental health/self love advocate, to discuss what self-love means to her, advice on helping others find self-love, and why representation in the fashion industry is important.
How To Wear A Monochromatic Outfit
The trick to pulling off a monochromatic look are simple if you follow these tips.
Embracing Authenticity: The Journey of Rebranding LYV.on
Self-love is a powerful force that allows us to embrace our uniqueness and radiate confidence. By rebranding LYV.on to align with self-love, we are creating a platform that not only promotes sustainable fashion but also encourages individuals to prioritize their well-being and embrace their authentic selves.