Being Mindful of Waste in Skincare
When buying skincare do you take into consideration the packaging as much as you do the ingredient list? Skincare is something we use every day and can easily be a waste accumulation if we let it. I'm guilty of this with my love for skincare and trying out new products. Within the last few months, I've made the switch of using more of what I have, and when I do buy new skincare, I look into the packaging.
Some Products by Glow Recipe
What is the packaging made out of? - I like to start with the easiest part. If you make sure you know what the unit is made out of you can see what kind of skincare brand you're looking into and if they are going to help reduce waste. For example, a brand that has made the efforts and spent more just to have glass packaging is a lot in my book. Some brands, like Glow Recipe, have new systems of sending not only the glass jars back to them for reuse but also the plastic pumps! It’s an incredible recycling system that will help cut a lot of waste. Where others may not be quite yet there but still choose glass for the fact that it is easy to reuse and upcycle in different projects. To me, this is still a step in the right direction and something I always appreciate from a brand.
Products by Good Molecules
What about recycled materials? - While this still could pertain to plastic components, I really love a product that comes in a bottle made of recycled plastic. It may not always be the prettiest packaging but to think the brand took plastic waste and turned it into their packaging versus creating new plastic is big. Plus, this usually tends to mean you can then recycle this packaging or they may to have a system. Brands such as Dermalogica and Good Molecules have been moving in this direction and I love to see it. The fact they are choosing the environment over the pretty aesthetic says a lot about the brand and from what I have used I still have thought it was pretty and good quality packaging. There are many brands avoiding waste and working hard to make the change while producing amazing products that truly work! Including, Earth Harbor, a brand we carry in our third party.
The Earth & Harbor Dewy Kit can be found here in our shop
If we cut down on this waste, support the brands that are making the change, and we will hopefully push others to see the change is what we want in their product line too. Look into what you’re using and switch it up if you need to. Upcycle any empty components you have and look into how you can reduce the waste yourself. You can shop for your skin needs while also keeping the environment in mind too.